Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Week 1 - Flow-graph Research

Nodes Connected to Links

Stored in an ‘.xml’ format, flow-graphs are easily stored, imported and exported to other levels without having to copy and re do every graph again and again. Graphs are always linked and stored with the specific entity they are created with and is computable with layers.

Flow-graph Advantages

One big benefit of using a flow-graph system is that the user doesn’t need to have any knowledge of scripting or programming. Using java and other forms of script can be very tedious and complex making the interface less friendly. What would be a very complex and detailed code can be performed with the same outcome but a lot simpler using a flow-graph.
In the crysis engine, there a huge number of nodes at the users disposal to create practically anything. Not only is the flow-graph used to create mission logic in the single player mode, but can be used to create new levels and entities, creating a game how you see fit. The flow-graph system allows for a desired amount of graphs allowing the user to create intricate and complex tasks.

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