Friday, October 29, 2010

Week 6 - Research Assignment

I find that the best was to learn something on a program is to watch a well spoken tutorial on YouTube. Tutes which don’t walk you through it verbally are hard and just rubbish. So I wanted to create an easy to understand tutorial that will educate and benefit others.

Tutorial 1 – Having an AI drive around in a vehicle

For my final video documentary, I wanted to have AIs drive around the environment to see how they would interact with the jungle and built environment. I managed to research some tutorials, each having numerous ways of going about it. So I did each tutorial and decided on the easiest and most effective method.

The flow-graph below allows the AI to enter the vehicle and drive around the path you create for it. This process can be repeated on a loop, allowing the AI to drive continuously.

Tutorial 2 – Having multiple squad mates follow you around and into combat

It was crucial for my documentary that I had an interaction with squad mates. I needed them to not only interact with the environment and my character, but also the enemy. I researched a few tutorials with different methods again. The first one I tried didn’t work, which was a letdown, but the second one did. I wanted to improve on the tutorial I followed by slowing down the pace, talking more clearly and simplifying the process.

The flow-graph below allows for AI squad mates to follow your nano suit character around and when in battle, split off and fight the enemy.

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